Sincerely Lindsey
    5 minutes? 5 minutes? There must be some mistake! O my... what are the words again? How does it go? O say can you…  O say can you.. O say can you… I can see this going to be a complete disaster! Breathe, breathe! Could my throat be any junkier? Swallow, swallow... no seriously focus Lindsey. Now swallow. Where is my water? [Gunk, gunk, gunk] Ok, one last time. O say can you...  Wow definitely not that note! O say can you... How does it go again? O crap! What the heck am I supposed to do with my hands with this stinking lapel? Gosh, how did I get myself into this! Breathe, breathe! Do I come in on the 2nd or 4th beat? I better be able to hear the music! What if I go blank? What if I stand there like a total idiot, flag waving in the background with no proper introduction? I guess not knowing the words is better than killing them... then again Christina Aguilera took the gold for that and Janet Jackson is a close 2nd for her fashion faux pas, so there isn’t much I could do that would be breaking news. Still, this is a big fight, which means a big audience! This is a make it or break it opportunity for my career. “1 minute warning” O my word... I’m going to be sick! O say can you... O say can you... O say can you see... Breathe. Swallow. Here goes nothing!